(1)Predictions of tribo-electrostatic separation of minerals in low-rank coal based on surface charging characteristics in relation to their structures,《Fuel》,2020年,通讯作者;
(2)Effect of chemical structure of lignite and high-volatile bituminous coal on the generation of biogenic coalbed methane,《Fuel》,2019年,通讯作者;
(3)Differentiation of rare earth elements and yttrium in different size and density fractions of the Reshuihe coal, Yunnan Province, China,《International Journal of Coal Geology》, 2019年,通讯作者;
(4)Leaching behavior and organic affinity of potentially toxic elements V, Cr, Mo, and U in flotation-cleaned coal from the Ganhe Mine, China,《Journal of Geochemical Exploration》,2019年,通讯作者;
(5)Partitioning of hazardous elements during preparation of high‑uranium coal from Rongyang, Guizhou, China,《Journal of Geochemical Exploration》,2018年,通讯作者;
(6)Experimental simulation of biogenic coalbed gas generation from lignite and high-volatile bituminous coals.,《Fuel》,2018年,通讯作者;
(7)Distribution of As, Hg and other trace elements in different size and density fractions of the Reshuihe high-sulfur coal, Yunnan Province. China.,《International Journal of Coal Geology》,2017年,通讯作者;
(8)A cut-off grade for gold and gallium in coal.,《Fuel》,2015年;
(9)Ash limitation of physical coal beneficiation for medium–high ash coal—A geochemistry perspective.,《Fuel》,2014年;
(10)Effect of coal mining activities on the environment of Tetraena mongolica in Wuhai, Inner Mongolia, China—A geochemical perspective.,《International Journal of Coal Geology》,2014年;
1. 新疆维吾尔自治区天山创新团队,2020年;
2. 江苏省科学技术奖一等奖(第二),2018年;
3. 江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才,2013年。
4. 江苏省“333”工程人选(第三层次),2011年。
5. 全国百篇优秀博士学位论文奖,2010年。
6. 中国煤炭学会第十一届全国煤炭青年科技奖,2010年。
7. 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,2008年。
8. 教育部自然科学奖二等奖(第二),2008年。
9. 中国地质学会第十届青年地质科技奖银锤奖,2006年。